Happy New Year and the 2014 Artist’s and Graphic Designer’s Market











The Successful Artist’s Career Guide: Finding Your Way in the Business of Art is excerpted in the 2014 edition of The Artist’s and Graphic Designer’s Market! Along with a lot of helpful articles about making a living as an artist, as well as listings of galleries, book publishers, illustration opportunities, art fairs and art reps and other ways to make a living doing what you love: http://www.amazon.com/2014-Artists-Graphic-Designers-Market/dp/1440329435/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389019721&sr=8-1&keywords=artist%27s+and+graphic+designer%27s+market

Happy New Year! Hope 2014 finds you making a living as an artist, just as you have always planned…


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