Fairy House Realty

Because I wrote LET’S COLOR TOGETHER: SECRET WORLDS: A Shareable Coloring Book for Parents and Kids, I have been selected to act as a realtor for the Fairy and Other Wee Folk community. Its a big responsibility, though the houses are small. Here are some of the properties I have found on Long Island, in the Hamptons.


On a warm and sunny hill, the interior of this home is surprisingly large. It is in a secluded woods, perfect for private fairy comings and goings…


This is a suggestion for how the house could be fixed up, and also a page from LET’S COLOR TOGETHER: SECRET WORLDS!


This house has a downstairs guest room for visiting turtles.


The upstairs is dry and roomy, a two family dwelling.

LET’S COLOR TOGETHER: SECRET WORLDS, A Shareable Coloring Book for Parents and Kids is a great resource for Fairy Realtors, is published by Sourcebooks, and available from Amazon, Powell’s Books, Barnes and Noble. Ask for it at a bookstore near you!


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