The day has finally arrived! And my new stencils are available from StencilGirl Products:
Ten beautifully cut 9 x 12 mylar stencils: Woodcut Blossoms, Impressionist Water Lilies and Brush Textures, Scarab Beetles, Looping, Leafy Vines, Dragonflies, and three with Bunnies, Blooms and Birds:Part 1: Journaling with Bunnies, Blooms and Birds at the beach:

The beautiful view from my improvised studio…

I prepped journal pages before I left home by spraying through my new stencils with Ranger Distress Inks into a large moleskine watercolor journal, thinking it would be fun to have some beginnings of journal pages to play with instead of blank pages at the beach. Then I made a traveling art kit with a set of Sennelier water color pans, one tube of white gouache, two brushes and some pens and pencils. Here I am using white gouache on top of the Distress Ink texture–a large white rabbit with the Birds and Bunnies stencil (L561).

Adding more larger flowers to the page with watercolors through the Scattered Flowers Background (L562)

A detail–I added some inked lines…

The finished spread

The stencils I used to create this page: L562 Scattered Flowers Background L561 Birds and Bunnies L558 Scattered Bunnies, Blooms and Birds
Here’s the weird thing. The day after I completed this journal page, I saw this white rabbit on a woods walk with my son–almost as if I had conjured him!
Coming soon–more beach journal pages…
Thanks, StencilGirl, for the wonderful stencils!!