Once again, the redoubtable Robin Glazer invited me to be a presenter at the Creative Center’s Creative Aging Conference. I had such a fantastic, inspiring group to work with, all arts professionals working with different populations–elders, people with various stages of dementia, people suffering from chronic, debilitating illness, intergenerational groups. There were visual artists, writers, dancers, story tellers. Lovely! Here’s some pictures of mostly art from the event. Another presenter (and awesome individual) Sara Ferguson of Artsy Smartsy took some great photos of the event, too.

Drawing into their inkblots–participants drew into their inkblots long into their lunch hour and did some really neat things.

I walked around and took pictures of some of the inkblots on the tables, but sadly didn’t get the names of the artists…here’s a crazy-angel creature…

This artist, Christina H., did some really interesting things. We thought they looked vaguely skeletal, like rib cages. It reminded me of teaching a group of art teachers a few years ago, who created, as a group, an almost complete skeleton with inkblots. I wish we had strung it together…

This man said this was his Klimt Cockroach inkblot. Fantastic!

Beautiful, delicate drawing in this unicorn-dragon creature. Wonderful.

Dr. Seuss! A couple of the workshop participants told me that they wrote stories for children and had found making the inkblots inspiring.

Animals, and an inkblot on an angle…

What the fox saw!

An owl-mermaid creature–wonderful imaginations at this conference. People seemed unusually adept at seeing into the inkblots.

Birds and a crazy pink headed poodle?

Thanks to the awesome Tina Marie Ferguson for taking this picture of me demonstrating making an inkblot, and posting it on Facebook.

Remind me to tell you the story of the “two breasts” at the next conference…

Beautiful–a kind of siamese pink penguin.

Thanks to Tina Marie Ferguson of Artsy Smartsy for posting this BIG picture of butterfly inkblots from my “slide show”!
I always leave this event wanting to come home and make inkblots. 🙂