Harvest Festival Time!

Its fall again and that means it is Harvest Festival time on the New Leaf Cafe Lawn in Ft Tryon Park in Upper Manhattan. Come up for pumpkin painting, food, games for kids, free live music, and most importantly, the pleasure of the company of your neighbors and friends!  

Come and visit me, too–I will have a table set up with a fun “making friends” craft for kids to do to celebrate the publication of my new picture book CROW MADE A FRIEND.

This is the poster for the Harvest Festival this year. The stencil (in all the past years I have done woodcuts, but Mary Beth Shaw, Stencil Girl owner and stencil ninja, inspired me to do something different!) print (mine) will go on t-shirts, posters, advertising, and a four color version will raffled off to raise money to support the festival:


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