I was so happy to present a workshop to three classes of first graders at PS/IS187, Hudson Cliffs School, in Ms. Neidish’s library classes. It was a totally jam-packed 45 minutes per class–first I read CROW MADE A FRIENDĀ and took a few questions, then all the kids drew a crow step by step with me, then we made paper bag nests and clay baby birds to put in them. All the kids were fabulously focused and well behaved and I was totally impressed with how much they could accomplish in that chunk of time.
The kids drew thank you drawings for me, and I wish I could put all of them in this post, but that would be 90 drawings! Each one is more beautiful than the next. This one, by Jocelyn Levin, sums up the whole story in a nutshell–the snow, the snow friend, the melting, OH, NO! She could get work summarizing stories!

Jocelyn Levin
Here are a few more (I have included the artist’s names where they were provided!):

Emmett Murphy




Vanessa Salas