Such a beautiful day for the 17th Annual Harvest Festival yesterday! I had a table of coloring set up to celebrate the publication of my latest project with Pomegranate Kids: FAIRY HOUSE: A Color, Punch Out and Play Set.

The Harvest Festival was started 17 years ago as a reaction of neighborhood parents to the 9-11 disaster. I started to design a print each year, starting the second year of the event, so I guess there are 16 Harvest-y prints floating around. They make the print image into a t-shirt, and then raffle off the print to pay for table rentals and whatnot. Sometimes I contribute by having a table–I did one one year for Crow Made a Friend where kids made nests from paper lunch bags and put little clay birds into them (with pipe cleaner legs and feather wings).

This year I had a fairy and fairy house coloring event, with the Fairy House Play Set set up for potential inspiration.

Neighborhood kids lined up to color and play

Gracie and Rachel were my helpers: most excellent workers!

I am folding a fairy house for a child who chose to color the back: a terrific effort–a budding Hans Hoffman.


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