I had a great time at the NY NOW 2018 gift fair as a guest of Pomegranate Communications. And I got to see my new Fairy House: A Color, Punch Out and Play Set! So exciting! Pomegranate has such wonderful things–I especially love all the Charley Harper stuff they have, and the quality of their products is so high. I am honored to be associated with them.

The Pomegranate Communications booth 7532 some of their new things on the center table.

Jennifer’s beautiful coloring of one of the scenes from Fairy House, along with a little chair, a guitar, a mushroom and an armoire filled with shells and acorn cups and teapot. CUTE! I can’;t wait to get my author copies so I can color, too!

Me, the trio of Color, Punch Out and Play Sets. And a Fairy!

A closeup of the box…
You can purchase Fairy House (and Tea Party and Museum Visit) from Pomegranate Communications at http://www.pomegranate.com/aa1015.html