Coronavirus Drawing Days Part 1

Boy, weird times, right? This has been one of the most disconcerting times I can remember. No costume work, no Broadway, everything closed up tight.

With the double layer, reversible mask I made from my grandmother’s handkerchiefs, I work at Parsons-Meares’ costume shop to get stuff on to the tops of the tables so they can do a deep clean of the floors in the hopes we will all be together making costumes again.

So…I have been drawing (and taking Josh Bayer’s –author of THETH–Zoom cartooning class at 92Y). The drawing has been satisfying and transporting. And transporting is exactly what I have needed!

A drawing I did of my brother holding Elena when she was a baby.

One of the assignments Josh gave the class was to do a spread with six random memories of some time in my life. The memories could be very small, nothing life changing. I loved this task. Exploring these really tiny moments is interesting–to hold them and look at them and draw them makes them S   T   R   E   T   C   H out in time.

Six Random Memories from my life…

So my brother is there, too, on the right, but that doesn’t actually look ANYTHING like him–it was more the idea of my brother and our beautiful endless days of playing around and on and next to the pond.


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