Stencil Demo! Scarab Beetles

Happy New Year! Let’s hope for a wonderful new year full of lots of art play, exploration and creativity!

I got interested in making a stencil of scarab beetles when making inkblot beetle cabinets of curiosity. I made the beetle inkblots with black ink on Rives BFK:

And then colored into them with colored pencils.

Then I could cut them out and mount them in a case, in their “family tree:”

So it was natural to make a page of fantasy beetles to stencil with and color into!

Here’s the Scarab Beetles videos, made by my husband Daniel Levy, who filmed my playing around in my journal with various stencils to make a Scarab Beetle page–and made sense of my ramblings!

To  buy this stencil, or any of the other ten stencils I designed, head over to StencilGirl:

And to buy my book, Stencil Craft, go to

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